Frogs & Newts
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Bombina Orientalis : ( Fire Belly Toad )
Fire Bellied Toads are amazing creatures, with amazing personalities. If your tank is correctly built and established, no experience is necessary. On average, Fire Bellied Toads are expected to live between 10-15 years if given the proper care. These amphibious toads have soft and delicate skin; this skin secretes a milky poison.
Fire Belly Toad Diet
In the wild, Fire Bellied Toads will eat anything that comes across their path. This includes: fish, snails, crustaceans, worms, and even other frogs! In captivity, many FBT owners will feed frozen fresh water food or live feeders (such as grindal worm, black worms and earth worm) *it is important to maintain a balanced diet and not stick to one food source*
Fire Belly Toad Habitat
At Paws N' Claws, we use eco tanks (aquariums that reduce maintenance and provide a natural environment for your Fire Bellied Toad) with a minimum of 20 gallons for a small colony. Then an additional 10 gallons for every 3 additional adults. FBT have very smooth underbellies, so if any rocks are added to your aquarium they need to be smooth. Another important thing you will need to know is that if you use substrate, make sure it is sand and not crushed gravel. it can be swallowed by the FBT and impact their stomach. FBT do best in a temperature range from 60-75 degrees. Do not let temps exceed 80 degrees.
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Triprion Spinosus: (Crowned Tree Frog )
The Crowned Tree Frog is light brown in color with darker brown markings, a black belly and flanks bordered in white. They have sharp pointed projections on their heads and a huge tympanum (round, smooth disc at the corners of their mouths that works much like a human ear drum).
Truly an amazing species to be working with!
Crowned Tree Frog Diet
As adults, coronated frogs eat insects and other small arthropods. As tadpoles, they eat unfertilized eggs deposited by their mothers.
Crowned Tree Frog Habitat
The coronated tree frog's range includes fragmented populations in Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and Mexico. It is also found as fragmented populations on the Atlantic slopes of the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz State and northern Oaxaca State in Mexico, eastern Honduras, central Costa Rica.
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Heterixalus madagascariensis: (Blue-Back Reed Frog)
Under the right conditions these little gems glow. Like other reed frogs, it is capable of dramatically changing colors, ranging from crisp white in hot sun to drab brown at night or in a dimly lit enclosure.
Reed Frog Diet
Though flightless fruit flies, bean beetles and other minute foods are relished, these insects are often passed up for larger meals when offered along with 1⁄2-inch crickets or house flies.
Reed Frog Habitat
They inhabit riparian zones, where a body of water (mainly a pond) meets the land.
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Hyperolius Riggenbachi: (Riggenbach Reed frog)
Hyperolius riggenbachi is a species of frog in the family Hyperoliidae. Its common name is Riggenbach's reed frog. It is found on Bamenda Highlands and the Adamawa Plateau, western and central Cameroon.
Reed Frog Diet
Though flightless fruit flies, bean beetles and other minute foods are relished, these insects are often passed up for larger meals when offered along with 1⁄2-inch crickets or house flies.
Reed Frog Habitat
They inhabit riparian zones, where a body of water (mainly a pond) meets the land.
Melanophryniscus Klappenbachi: (Bumblebee Walking Toads)
Bumblebee toads are a communal species of South American toad. Bumblebee toads are diurnal and very active, which makes them great display animals as they tend to be out and on show the majority of the time.
Bumblebee Toad Diet
Bumblebee toads are microphagus, meaning that they consume small food items. Reportedly, a large portion of the diet of a wild bumblebee toad is termites. Fortunately, bumblebee toads do quite well on other, more easily procured prey items in captivity.
Bumblebee Toad Habitat
some report bumblebee toads inhabit the Pampas, a hilly grassland that stretches from southern Brazil to northern Argentina. The Pampas grasslands are drier and cooler than rainforest, and experience both temperature and precipitation differences in different seasons.
Agalychnis Lemur: (Lemur Leaf Frog)
During the day the lemur leaf frog is a vibrant green but darkens to brown as night approaches. This characteristic enhances its ability to camouflage in the day and hunt at night. This species will lay their eggs under resting leaves overhanging a water supply.
Lemur Leaf Frog Diet
Lemur Leaf frogs can subsist on a diet of gut loaded and supplemented insects in captivity. Juveniles can eat â…›” crickets while adults will do well with ¼” crickets.
Lemur Leaf Frog Habitat
Lemur frogs do well with daytime temperatures between 74-78 degrees F and nighttime temps between 68-72 degrees F. They are tropical frogs and need humidity between 60-100%.
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Cynops Escunida Popei: ( Gold Dust Fire-Bellied Newt)
Medium/large newt of slender build, It is the largest species of the genus Cynops . They have a squared head with clearly visible parotoid glands.
Gold Dust Fire-Bellied Newt Diet
They are not a picky species and they actively hunts anything that moves or not. They can be feed the classic preys for various species of caudata: earthworms, brine shrimp, thawed chironomus etc. Enriching the diet with other arthropods is always recommended.
Gold Dust Fire-Bellied Newt Habitat
Cynops ensicauda distribution area is limited only to the islands of the Ryukyu archipelago, in Japan.
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Spanish Ribbed Newt: ( The Iberian Newt )
These charismatic creatures can reach up to about 8-9 inches in captivity on average. These are very spunky salamanders that love to hunt. Spanish ribbed newts have a life expectancy of about 10 years. With enough training, you can soon be hand feeding your own Spanish ribbed newt as well!
Newt Diet
Newts feed well on pellets, earth worms, blood worms, black worms, fish and shrimp. These ferocious little critters are always actively hunting and looking for a delicious snack!
Newt Habitat
The ideal habitat will have a temperature range of 60-70 degrees, with slow flowing water. A 20 gallon tank is necessary for one Spanish ribbed newt; and an additional 10 gallons per newt added.
Neurergus Kaiser : ( Kaiser Newt )
The Kaiser Mountain Newt is a very elusive and beautiful salamander. It is said to be one of the rarest amphibian's in the world and is currently critically endangered. These little guys are known to live 7-14 years in captivity and thrive in a semi-aquatic setup. Though they will not stray far from the water for long.
Newt Habitat
The ideal habitat will have a temperature range of 60-70 degrees, with slow flowing water. A 10 gallon tank is necessary for one Kaise newt; and an additional 10 gallons per newt added.
Newt Diet
Newts feed well on pellets, earth worms, blood worms, black worms, fish and shrimp. These ferocious little critters are always actively hunting and looking for a delicious snack!
Hyperolius Bolifambae : (Medje Reed frog)
Hyperolius bolifambae is a bush land species that occurs at elevations below 600 m. It presumably also lives in secondary vegetation in the tropical fo
rest belt. Breeding takes place in small ponds.​​
Frog Habitat
Adults are insectivores that eat many types of insects, including flies in the genera Drosophila, Musca, Phormia, Lucilia, and Calliphora.
Frog Diet
Bolifambae Reed frog is a bush land/riparian dwelling frog. They inhabit small ponds and streams where breeding often takes place delicious snack!
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